Thursday, July 21, 2011

Help with supernatural/psychic/weird things....?

So I have a friend. He can somehow predict or foresee things just by looking at random things... usually numbers. It doesn't always work, but when it does it's quite eerie. It's like he'll notice things and find some deeper meaning. He doesn't always understand these feelings and sometimes doesn't even know what will happen but he knows it'll involve things(examples:the color yellow, 8:42pm, or something like a sound.) Well he was really confused about these things and I've decided to help him find an explanation or deeper understanding. If anyone can help please let me know. Or ask questions for a bettr understanding. And don't respond with "He's just making it up, or it's coincidence, or youbelieve what you want to." This is something deeper. Please help I love my friend.

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