Sunday, July 17, 2011

I fell down on my knee 3 weeks after surgery?

I was at a restaurant and they were mopping the floors and my crutch hit the water and I slipped and landed on my back side and also twisted my bad knee and hit the side of is swelled but it really doesn't just kinda stings along the incision when I bend it (that's where I fell on it)...I didn't hear anything rip or pop...the swelling has gone down a little and I iced it and elevated it...I think I may of hit one of the screws in my knee because it was like a "jolt" of pain and then it feels fine there anything I can do too help it? Does it sound like I have hurt it badly and may need another surgery? I had a screw in my patella and they had to reconstruct a torn ligament and they did a lateral release so they did move around some of my ligaments...and I have set an appointment to see my orthopedist (my surgeon) to take a look at it... and also the way I hurt it before was from a dislocation and they did that surgery ^^^ to correct it...thanks :)

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